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Spain - Catalonia Listing

In Spain, the term used for Digital Literacy is Alfabetizacion digital or Competencia Digital. Informatics is refered to as Informatica.

While Spain has 17 autonomous communities and two autonomous cities, this map currently presents data for Catalonia and Madrid only (select from the region menu below). We are working hard to complete data coverage for Spain.

Note that the autonomous communities and cities of Spain are second-level administrative units; hence, they correspond to what is called "states" in the Darmstadt model.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Lower Secondary

In Madrid: 11-12 years old.

Informatics: Availability of Courses N/A
Informatics: Curriculum Consistency State

No: there are regional differences due to Spain's governance structure based on regions or "autonomous communities" which have their own competences in compulsory education. As a result there are large differences in how/if Informatics is taught.

Informatics: Enrolment N/A
Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

Usually in the first year of primary school, 5-6 years old.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject

Separate subject.

„Digital competence“ is addressed as a general skill to be acquired by all pupils. In this case, digital competences are included into curricula and daily activities of all subjects.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency State

There are regional differences due to Spain's governance structure based on regions or "autonomous communities" which do define their own competences in compulsory education. Still, Digital Literacy is compulsory and taught in essentially all schools.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

There are courses for Informatics teachers in primary education. Secondary education teachers usually have a university degree in mathematics, physics, or engineering.

Since last decade it is mandatory for secondary education teachers to have a Master degree in Secondary and Upper Secondary Education. This provides teacher training for potential secondary school teachers and teachers of speci fic vocational training courses.

The Department of Education offers long-life teacher training program, including several courses related with computing, keeping up to date the teacher community in computer related subjects.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects N/A
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement N/A
Teacher Training: In-Service Length N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability N/A
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Professional Experience N/A
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Business Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines N/A
Teacher Training: Security of Employment N/A
Educational Policies State
Learning Objectives State