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France Listing

In France as a term for Digital Literacy Littératie Numérique is starting to be used. More common are the terms TUICE or TICE ("Techniques [usuelles] d'information et de communication pour l'enseignement"). Informatics is refered to as Informatique, sometimes Science Informatique. When the subject was introduced in 2012 in the Lycée, the offcial name was Informatique et sciences du numérique.

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Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Higher Secondary

The students are aged 16 (Seconde) when they start learning algorithmics in the maths course.

Since 2016, when available in their school, the students can also choose to have a course dedicated to the introduction of informatics (Informatique et Création Numérique).

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, but not for all

optional Informatique et sciences numériques in Treminale scientifique (scientific Baccaleureat classes), program defined, textbooks available for student and teachers, but available only in part of Lycées). Since 2016, this option has been opened for Terminale littéraire (literature Baccalaureat classes) and Terminale economique et sociale (economics Baccalaureat classes).

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

It is consistent:

  • There is nearly no informatics but for 4 exceptions
  • Algorithmics are taught as part of mathematics from the age of 16 till the age of 18 to the students enrolled in courses leading to the scientific Baccalaureate
  • In their last year (age 17) some students get offered the possibility to learn informatics (Informatique et Sciences du Numerique). Not all high schools offer this course.

    In a similar way, in technological sections the following courses can be closely related to informatics (but possibly closer to information processing):

    • systeme d'information et numerique (SIN) en premiere et terminale technologique (STI2D) ;
    • systeme d'information de gestion (SIG) en terminale management et gestion (STMG).
Informatics: Enrolment less than 10%

5% of scientific Baccalaureat (K12) classes. 0% of other K12 and non-K12 classes No feedback yet for the optional K10 teaching created in 2015

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

There is no official age. Some schools have computers, others don’t. But the B2I is taught in junior school (ecole primaire), which corresponds to children with ages 6 to 10. The number of computers in schools (average for 2012: 13 computers for 100 pupils) is very variable and not consistent over all schools.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Integrated

Each teacher is supposed to add his bit. There are nevertheless some programmes, called B2I and C2I whose aim is to achieve this in a more systematic way.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

B2I and C2I are national set goals (not curricula). There will be differences depending on the degree of education of the teacher.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

In 2014, the special studies consist in permanent education schemes: teachers from other fields volunteer to follow a course (which may last from 0 to 200 hours) after which they are habilitated and allowed to teach the subject. Since 2016 an option Informatics has been created in the training of mathematics teachers (Capes Mathématique option Informatique).

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1.5

Mostly one subject, but a major for History-Geography, Physics-Chemistry, and Technology-Informatics

Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Ed. / M.Sc. + pgc.
Teacher Training: In-Service Length 1-6 months

Has been changing constantly, not uniform

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum No
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum No
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability No
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers No

Only the specific teacher training is possible.

Teacher Training: Professional Experience No

Only the specific teacher training is possible.

Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Business Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines Minor Training

For the current specialty teaching in scientific Baccalaureat classes and K10 classes, there is no restriction on who can teach. But most teachers are math teachers, followed by physics and technology teachers.

Teacher Training: Security of Employment Tenure
Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country