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Albania Listing

The term used for Digital Literacy is T.I.K. (this corresponds to the English term I.C.T.). The name used for Informatics in Albania is Informatikë.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Higher Secondary

Pupils are able to attend Informatics courses starting from the 10th grade.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes

Informatics is a elective course starting from 10th grade.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

The Informatics curriculum is consistent across all schools.

Informatics: Enrolment N/A
Digital Literacy: First Contact Lower Secondary

Pupils have their first contact with Digital Literacy in the 6th grade.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject

Digital Literacy (T.I.K.) is an obligatory separate subject.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

The Digital Literacy (T.I.K.) curriculum is consistent across all schools.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment all students

Digital literacy (T.I.K.) is an obligatory separate subject. Pupils have their frst contact with computers in the 6th grade.

Teacher Training: Special Qualifications None

There are no special studies for Informatics teachers besides these formal requirements:

  1. Bachelor+Professional Master's Degree in one of the following majors:
    • Informatics
    • Information Technology
    • Mathematics
    • Physics
      or the following dual-majors:
    • Mathematics and Informatics
    • Mathematics and Physics
    • Physics and Information Technology
  2. 9–months practical in-service training.
  3. State exam (required to be licensed as a teacher).
Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 2
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Ed. / M.Sc. + pgc.
Teacher Training: In-Service Length 7-12 months
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Professional Experience (Yes)
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Business Teachers No
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines No
Teacher Training: Security of Employment De facto SoE
Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country