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Romania Listing

In Romania, the term used to describe Digital Literacy is Alfabetizare digitala or Tehnologia informației și a comunicațiilor. Informatics is refered to as Informatică.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Higher Secondary

Informatics starts In the ninth grade (frst high school year, age 14-15), as a mandatory subject and as optional subject from fifth grade (middle school, age 10-11).

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, but not for all

It is compulsory for the classes with a dedicated computer science profle, for the rest it is an optional discipline or it is absent (they can only choose digital literacy).

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

The curriculum in our country is consistent across all schools from ninth grade when students in certain majors study computer science/informatics as a compulsory/mandatory discipline. It may be different from school to school where the subject is optional.

Informatics: Enrolment 10-24%
Digital Literacy: First Contact Higher Secondary

ICT is a compulsory subject starting with ninth grade (first high school year, age 14-15), so the pupils have their first offcial contact with computers or the internet in schools in ninth grade.

The Ministry of Education is preparing the introduction of Information and Communications Technology as a mandatory discipline since starting from fifth grade (middle school, age 10-11), but school programs and the curricula have not yet been approved. Until then, many schools have introduced this discipline as an optional subject starting from fifth grade.

There are children who have the first contact with computers or the internet in kindergarten as an optional subject.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject
Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

The digital literacy curriculum in our country is consistent across all schools starting from the ninth grade. Until then, as an optional subject, the curriculum is different from one school to another, but it must also take into account the particularities of the age of the students.

Starting from ninth grade, they all study computer architecture, operating systems (Windows), networks, internet, HTML, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access.

Starting from 11th grade, contents vary depending on the profle and specialization: computer-aided typing, computer-aided documentation techniques, image processing, web pages, management systems databases and more.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

The teachers can be of second or first (that is best) degree. For the second degree, the teachers have to take an exam that is organized by an university. For the first degree, the teachers prepare a dissertation and have to teach some classes, all under the evaluation of a commission formed by university Associate Professors and Full Professors.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Ed. / M.Sc. + pgc.
Teacher Training: In-Service Length 19-24 months
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum No
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers No
Teacher Training: Professional Experience No
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers No
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers No
Teacher Training: Business Teachers No
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers No
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines No
Teacher Training: Security of Employment De facto SoE
Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country