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Slovakia Listing

In Slovakia, Digital Literacy is refered to as Digitálna gramotnosť ("Digital Literacy"), Počítačová gramotnosť ("Computer Literacy") or IKT zručnosti ("ICT skills"). The term used to describe Informatics is Informatika.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Lower Secondary

The first year of lower secondary education.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, compulsory II

Here secondary school we ment Grades 10-13. Informatisch is mandatory for 3hours/week for one year. School can assign hours to one(3h/w) or two(1.5h/w) or three(1h/w) years. For "abitur" in informatics the are mandatory another 3 hours/week for one year.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

In general any curriculum is consistent across the whole country. But the curriculum did not go into any details so there is plenty of room for some local changes, but only within the generally valid curriculum (or in rare cases even over it).

There are special curricula for vocational schools and other schools like music schools, schools for gifted children etc.

Informatics: Enrolment all students
Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

The first contact should be in primary schools. Usually it is in the first grade (6 years old), but it is not strictly given, some schools may start in second grade or even later. For the first four years (6-9 years old) there is a compulsory subject with three hours per week called “informatics education”. (It means one hour/week in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year or 3h/week in any year, which is probably not a sensible scenario, but schools can choose how they allocate hours.)

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject

In Slovakia, there is a special subject called “informatics”, which is a blend of Digital Literacy (ICT) and (theoretical) Informatics (algorithms, algorithmic thinking, problem solving, programming, ...).

One can say that in the first grades there is more about using ICT and less Informatics. Digital literacy was never a special subject in Slovakia. On the other hand it is spread and integrated with other subjects too (but to which extent depends heavily on the teacher, mostly it is only basic ICT skills).

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

In general any curriculum is consistent across the whole country. But the curriculum did not go into any details so there is plenty of room for some local changes, but only within the generally valid curriculum (or in rare cases even over it).

There are special curricula for vocational schools and other schools like music schools, schools for gifted children etc.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment all students

For the frst four years (6-9 years old) it is compulsory to have a special subject “informatics education", so every student has been exposed to Digital Literacy before the first two years of secondary school.

Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications
Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 2
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Sc.

To start teach you have to finish 5 years full time university study. But the study is slightly different from the scientific one, as future teachers have extra The subjects concerning education, psychology,... The closets would be MSc degree

Teacher Training: In-Service Length 1-6 months

Training is divided in three parts for each subject: one week, two weeks and three weeks (6 weeks for each subject of two)

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers (Yes)
Teacher Training: Professional Experience No

A master level degree is compulsory and if it is not teacher degree then + minor additional educational trainning

Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Business Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines Yes

Yes, but it should be very exeptional: Full time teacher who is teaching only the half of the normal load, could be assigned to informatics by the director of the school.

Teacher Training: Security of Employment Tenure
Educational Policies State
Learning Objectives State