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Poland Listing

In Poland, the term used to describe Digital Literacy in schools is Computer classes (grades 1-6) or Information technology (in general). Informatics is refered to as Informatyka.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Lower Secondary

Today, informatics is in middle schools, and we are working on a new curriculum according to which kids will start informatics education in the first grade.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, compulsory II

Informatics is compulsory in lower secondary schools (gimnazjum, grades 7-9), for 1 hour a week for 2 years. In upper secondary schools (grades 10-12): compulsory for 1 hour a week in the first year and elective for 3 hours a week for two years.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country
Informatics: Enrolment all students

In the first two years (grades 7-8) of lower secondary schools and in the first year of upper secondary schools (grade 10) - informatics is mandatory for all students.

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

Pupils have their first contact with computers in their first year of school.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject

In grades 1-3 it is integrated, in grades 4-6 it is a separate subject. Some other subjects also include computing as a tool.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

The curriculum has to be followed by all schools. However, schools may have different syllabuses.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment all students
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications None

Universities sometimes offer one-year post-graduate "informatics" studies for in-service teachers. In practice teachers are taught there only "how to teach ICT (Digital Literacy)" but not computer science. (neither subject matter nor pedagogical content knowledge).

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1

Generally (at university level) in one subject, however some teachers get qualification to teach other subjects, e.g. math teachers teach informatics, similarly in humanities (letters+history), artistic subjects. Today there are more and more multi-subject teachers due to demografic tendencies.

Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Sc.

For teachers of Informatics accepted also M.Sc. in another subject and formal (run by uni) in-service training in Informatics.

Teacher Training: In-Service Length 13-18 months

I refer here to the situation described regarding entry requirement - in-service preparation of teachers of other subjects to teach Informatics.

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes

Informatics can be studied as a subject for the teaching profession only at two universities. For example, at Poznań University propspective teachers are to be qualified mandatory in two subjects (maths and CS).

Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers (Yes)
Teacher Training: Professional Experience No
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Minor Training

There is no restriction on the discipline - a teacher with Master degree after completing in-service training in informatics can teach informatics. We are going to change this.

Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Minor Training

There is no restriction on the discipline - a teacher with Master degree after completing in-service training in informatics can teach informatics. We are going to change this.

Teacher Training: Business Teachers Minor Training

There is no restriction on the discipline - a teacher with Master degree after completing in-service training in informatics can teach informatics. We are going to change this.

Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Minor Training

There is no restriction on the discipline - a teacher with Master degree after completing in-service training in informatics can teach informatics. We are going to change this.

Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines Minor Training

There is no restriction on the discipline - a teacher with Master degree after completing in-service training in informatics can teach informatics. We are going to change this.

Teacher Training: Security of Employment De facto SoE

Today, no security, when the population of school children is going down.

Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country