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Lithuania Listing

In Lithuania, the term used for Digital Literacy is Skaitmeninis Raštingumas. Informatics is refered to as Informatika or, recently, Informacinės.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Lower Secondary

5th grade (12 years old) - it is in all schools. Some schools introduce Scratch or robotics earlier. Robotics is more and more popular for primary school pupils.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes

Students of 11-12 grades have possibility to chose matura exam on IT (Programming)

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

We have mandatory IT curricula that is taught in all schools and there optional IT modules that depends on schools and municipalities.

Informatics: Enrolment 25-49%

In Lithuanian secondary schools Informatics is mixed with IT course. In grade 9 IT course is compulsory leading by elective courses on Programming (modules). About 30% of students take elective course of Informatics.

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

It depends on schools, usually in primary. Our primary school is 4 years: starts at age 7 until 11 (4 grades). Half of primary schools introduce pupils with computers and internet in 2nd or 3rd grades.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Integrated

Integrated and it mostly depends on teachers, if school has enthusiastic teachers, they do that.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

Officially there are no requirement to introduce DL in primary school at the moment. Last year we made survey and it was supprised that more than half schools introduced computers in second or third years. Now we are going to put that in of ficial curiculum, we are working on that. DL is compulsory to be introduced in 5th grade (12 years old pupils).

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

It was ten years ago. Since that we have been preparing the informatics (IT) teachers together with mathematics.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1.5
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Ed. / M.Sc. + pgc.

For lower secondary school, teachers need to have at least a bachelor's degree in CS or mathematics with educational sciences (or a bachelor's degree in CS or mathematics and plus a year studies of pedagogy). For high school, teachers need to have a master's degree.

Teacher Training: In-Service Length N/A

Question is not clear... Does it mean that teacher has in-service for all his / her life? Or does it mean that teacher doesn't have eduction in some subject?

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers (Yes)
Teacher Training: Professional Experience No
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Business Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines N/A

You can teach IT in lower grades

Teacher Training: Security of Employment Tenure
Educational Policies State
Learning Objectives Region