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Estonia Listing

In Estonian schools, there exist different competing labels for Digital Literacy with slightly different meanings: Digitaalne Kirjaoskus (Digital Literacy), Infokirjaoskus (Information Literacy) and Meediakirjaoskus (Media Literacy). Informatics is refered to as Informaatika (Informatics) and Arvutiõpetus (Computer Studies).

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Lower Secondary

In a few schools (fewer than 2%), there is a special informatics course from grade 1 (age 7). The majority of schools provide an informatics course from grade 5.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, but not for all

Since the 2010 version of the national curriculum, four elective informatics courses are prescribed by the state (grades 5, 8, 10 and 11), but schools have complete freedom to use it or ignore it.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency School

As informatics has been an elective subject since 1996 and the national curriculum from 2000 did not specify content for any electives, our schools design the informatics course themselves as they see it fit for their teachers and pupils. The 2010 version of the national curriculum prescribes four elective informatics courses (grades 5, 8, 10 and 11), but schools have complete freedom to use it or ignore it. Our recent study shows that almost 20% of the schools do not provide any informatics course, 25% of schools provide the official informatics course “Computer as a tool" in 5th grade, less than 15% teach the official course “Information society technologies” in grade 8 etc. The schools with Russian language instruction tend to deviate more from national curriculum than Estonian-speaking schools.

Informatics: Enrolment N/A

I am not sure what do you mean by "secondary education" here. In grades 7-9 (age 13 - 15) less than 30% of students attend any kind of informatics courses.

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

In most of the Estonian schools, the pupils start using computers from year one (age 7). Only in a few schools, it takes place in the specialised subject of informatics.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Integrated

Digital Literacy is not a separate subject. Digital competence has been mentioned in our national curriculum since 2014 as one of the key competencies.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency School

There a big difference between schools, as Estonian schools have a lot of freedom in designing their own curricula.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

Two universities prepare informatics teacher in Estonia: University of Tartu and Tallinn University. Both have continuous difficulties to attract students to this discipline, while there is a competition to software engineering programmes. Requirements for teachers are: Bachelor degree in informatics + Masters degree in didactics of informatics (Bologna 3+2 model). Less than 10% of Estonian schools employ a qualified informatics teacher.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1.5

We offer variety of study programmes, including ones that offer specialisation on 3 subjects, but these are not popular among students - majority studies only one subject or adds the second as a minor

Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Ed. / M.Sc. + pgc.

Majority of teacher education programs expect BA degree in some discipline before entering Masters program in teacher education Some teacher education programs (early childhood, class teacher, 3-subject teacher in basic school) enrol 19 years old students right after high school.

Teacher Training: In-Service Length 1-6 months

I did not understand this question. I guess you mean practical placement or internship that is a part of initial teacher education?

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum No
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes

Two universities prepare informatics teacher in Estonia: University of Tartu and Tallinn University.

Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers (Yes)

Such job contract can last only for one year and can be signed only if there are no qualified teachers available. The only way is to enter M.Ed. programme and get teacher qualification.

Teacher Training: Professional Experience No

Formally, yes (through the system of Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience) - but I never heard anyone managed to get it done

Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Business Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines Yes

Informatics is only a minor elective subject, informatics teacher education practically ceased to exist, it is nearly impossible to find a qualified informatics teachers - in such situation there cannot be requirements like this

Teacher Training: Security of Employment No SoE
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