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Greece Listing

In Greece, the term used to describe Digital Literacy is Τεχνολογίες πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών (Information and Communication Technology). Informatics is refered to as Πληροφορική.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Lower Secondary

Gymnasium (13 years old)

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, compulsory II

Let me give you an overview of curriculum in Grades 7 and 8: hardware (computer system), hardware components (CPU, RAM, ROM, PCI cards etc.) software (system & applications), GUI, antivirus protection, practice in Paint, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, networks, the WWW etc. Programming is introduced in Grade 9 using a logo environment, although teachers are free to use block environments if they prefer (but the school book is in Logo).

Grade 10 is elective and includes programming in App Inventor. Grade 11 is compulsory and is all algorithms and programming. Grade 12 is algorithms and programming, optional for those students who want to follow studies in Informatics.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

There are no local differences.

Informatics: Enrolment all students

All students attend Informatics courses in secondary education since 1993. In Primary education, Informatics courses are offered but not in all schools.

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

Many schools start at A grade (elementary school). It is provided for all students from gymnasium (13 years old)

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject


Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

There are no local differences

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

In some university departments

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1

It depends on the teachers' specialty. E.g. for Informatics teachers is only 1 subject, for literature teachers could be 6, for mathematics 2 etc.

Teacher Training: Entry Requirement B.Ed. / B.Sc. + pgc.

B.Sc. which includes teaching skills or B.Sc. and Pedagogical studies too. Exams in both, pedagogical and scientific skills are also required.

Teacher Training: In-Service Length 19-24 months

2 school years

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers Yes

There is a specific list of University/TEI departments that are entitled by law to teach Informatics; these include Software Engineering, among other computer-related studies. Teacher training is not mandatory for an appointment but it does add to one's qualifications in getting appointed.

Teacher Training: Professional Experience No

Not without the appropriate university degrees

Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers No
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers No
Teacher Training: Business Teachers No
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines N/A
Teacher Training: Security of Employment De facto SoE
Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country