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Russia Listing

In Russia, Digital Literacy is refered to as медиаграмотность (Media Literacy) / информационная культура (Information Culture). Informatics is refered to as Информатика ("Informatika").

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Higher Secondary

A part of pupils (I think, small part in the whole country, statistics does not exist) are able to attend Informatics course aged 7. All pupils must attend Informatics course aged 14-15.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, compulsory II

In Russia the school level that leading to possible university entrance officially has name "full secondary" (10-11 grades, analog "high school" in the U.S.). Informatics is not mandatory subject on this level, but most of full secondary schools includes Informatics in curricula for all students. Informatics may be studied on "base level" (about 90% students) or on "profound level" (about 10% students). (It is necessary to clarify that Informatics is mandatory subject on the level of 7-9 grades).

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

School curriculum forms from two parts: 1) dictated by Federal Educational Standard (FES) and 2) from school part. Informatics as separate subject in FES provides only in middle school. But many schools include subject “informatics” in high school curriculum and even in elementary school (it is very popular now). So, correct answer is “only part of school curriculum in Russia consistent across all schools”.

Informatics: Enrolment all students

100% in 7-9 grades (or only in 8-9 grades). Official statistics for 10-11 grades does not exists. In my region (Perm Krai) most of students learn Informatics (on "base level" that means one lesson in a week).

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

In cities mostly aged 7-8, in rural areas later, particularly as far as internet is concerned.

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject

Digital literacy is part of the subject “Informatics”

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

I think (E.Kh.) that more correct answer is “Digital literacy curriculum in Russia consistent across all schools” because

  1. Federal educational standard (in Russia ‘educational standard’ means compulsory requirements, not only recommendations) for elementary school includes position “providing the initial idea of computer literacy”;
  2. There exists compulsory part of the subject “Informatics” in all middle schools, which overlaps all reasonable demands to digital literacy.

But local differences exist, of course, too, because schools may include to school’s curriculums (and do it really) additional requirements to the level of digital literacy, beginning from elementary school and further.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment all students
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

Most of teachers are graduates of so named “Pedagogical institutes”. There are about 50 such institutes in the country (best of them named ‘Pedagogical Universities”). Such institutes give the qualification ‘Teacher of ’ (for example, “Teacher of Informatics” or “Teacher of Mathematics and Informatics”). Many teachers, especially in schools with high level of teaching in Informatics, are graduates of classical universities without special pedagogical certificate.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1

Mostly one subject, but sometimes two (for example, Mathematics and Informatics). Most reason to teach two subjects in case of Informatics is insufficient number of hours for full-time work in a school with small number of students.

Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Ed. / M.Sc. + pgc.
Teacher Training: In-Service Length No in-service part

Most teachers are graduates of so named "Pedagogical Institutes" (or "Pedagogical Universities") where pedagogy, psychology, methods of education, and teaching practice are realized in parallel with subjects of one profile (for example, Mathematics) or 2 profiles (for example, Mathematics and Informatics). Such training lasts 4 years ("bachelor of education" or 6 years ("master of education"). Part of teachers are graduates of "classical" universities where in-service part of teacher training lasts 7-12 months (relatively small courses of pedagogy, psychology, methods of education and short teaching practice).

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers (Yes)
Teacher Training: Professional Experience No
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Yes
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Business Teachers No
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Minor Training
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines Substantial Training
Teacher Training: Security of Employment Tenure

Teacher has a permanent contract which includes periodic evaluation with the possibility to obtain more high categoty

Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country