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Slovenia Listing

In Slovenia, the term used to describe Digital Literacy is Digitalna pismenost. Informatics is refered to as Računalništvo in informatika ("Computer Science and Informatics"). There is a distinction in terminology between Computer Science (Software and Hardware) and Informatics (Information Systems and Information Technology).

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Primary

3rd grade, when they are 8-9 years old, if a school can provide the course (they have teacher and enough enrolled students in the course). In the worst case in 9th grade, when they are 14-15 years old.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, compulsory I

In Slovenian gymnasium there is just one year of compulsory Informatics and three years are optional. Compulsory Informatics is in every Slovenian gymnasium, optional Informatics is not necessary offered in every gymnasium.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency Country

In Slovenia we have national curriculum for every subject taught in school. National curricula are used by all schools, so there are no local differences. Difference can occur in some schools (depends on a teacher), because curriculum is quite open and a teacher has a lot of freedom about what he might teach or might not.

Informatics: Enrolment all students

First year all (100%), because it is mandatory. Second year about 20% (we do not have official statistics).

Digital Literacy: First Contact Primary

Grade 1

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Integrated

We do not have separate subject Digital Literacy. In the curricula of other subjects (mathematics, biology, ...), there is a topic about digital literacy and use of ICT, so it should be integrated. In practice, teachers do not teach it.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency N/A

There is no DL curriculum, since in theory this is integrated into other subjects.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

In Slovenia we have two universities that train CS teachers. One is University of Ljubljana which is described more in detail below. The other one is University of Maribor, which has 3 years B.Sc. and 2 years M.Ed.

Students who want to become informatics teachers can follow two different study paths:

  1. Faculty of Education, where they choose two subjects programme: CS and mathematics, or CS and Engineering, or CS and physics. Training program lasts 4 years (eight-semester) in B.Sc. In 5th semester there is compulsory practical in- service training for 14 days. B.Sc. is followed by a two-semester (1 year) M.Ed. at the same faculty or in the Faculty of Computer and Information Science (in 2014/2015 first time).
  2. Faculty of Computer and Information Science. Training program lasts 3 years (six-semester) in B.Sc., which can be followed by 2 years (4-semester) M.Sc. Graduates who want to teach can take one additional year in the Faculty of Arts (Department of Educational Sciences) to get pedagogical and didactic knowledge.
  3. Any other faculty – after M.Sc. they are required to go on a one-year training course.

All teachers in Slovenia need to take professional exam, if they want to teach. They need to take that exam at the Ministry of Education, where they show the knowledge about Slovenian constitution and legal system, education regulations and Slovenian literary language. Teacher can apply for this exam, when he/she already has more than 6 months of experience in teaching.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects 1
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement M.Sc.

For gymnasium. In addition, if you want to teach in Slovenia, all teachers need to take "professional exam" by the Ministry of Education.

Teacher Training: In-Service Length No in-service part

For gymnasium.

Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum No
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum Yes
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability Yes

Typical training path for teacher of Informatics in gymnasium is MSc in Computer Science. However, there are other paths available as well, because there is not enough teachers with MSc in CS. For instance BEd/BSc/MEd in CS plus another subject.

Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers Yes

He/She needs to take pedagogical/andragogical training, which lasts for one year.

Teacher Training: Professional Experience No

Not in gymnasium.

Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers Substantial Training

If you are a teacher (not CS teacher) you can take additional training in Informatics, which lasts for one year.

Teacher Training: Physics Teachers Substantial Training

If you are a teacher (not CS teacher) you can take additional training in Informatics, which lasts for one year.

Teacher Training: Business Teachers Substantial Training

If you are a teacher (not CS teacher) you can take additional training in Informatics, which lasts for one year.

Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers Substantial Training

If you are a teacher (not CS teacher) you can take additional training in Informatics, which lasts for one year.

Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines Substantial Training

If you are a teacher (not CS teacher) you can take additional training in Informatics, which lasts for one year.

Teacher Training: Security of Employment De facto SoE

In general, if you get the job as a teacher, then you stay there until retirement. Nowadays, the problem is to get a job. Another problem, especially for Informatics teachers, is that there is not enough students taking the optional Informatics course, so it is possible that teacher is not 100% employed, he/she can fill in at another school or worse - he/she get fired.

Educational Policies N/A
Learning Objectives N/A