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Belgium - Flemish Region Listing

In Belgium Digital Literacy is refered to as digitale geletterdheid, ICT or (Toegepaste) Informatica. Informatics is refered to as Informatica or, more recently, Informaticawetenschappen/Computerwetenschappen.

Data Mode Data Value Explanation
Data Availability Data available
Informatics: First Contact Higher Secondary

For want of a proper official policy, some secondary schools are introducing programming classes and courses at the age of 12 (grade 7), and even some primary school are doing similar things.

Informatics: Availability of Courses Yes, but not for all

There is no official curriculum for Informatics.

Informatics: Curriculum Consistency School

Officially, there is no informatics curriculum as of yet. Some informatics is taught in schools however:

  • to many pupils in the above mentioned course “Informatica” in grades 9 and 10 (which includes 10 to 15 hours of “algorithmic thinking and programming” and about an equal amount on computer systems and networks)
  • to some pupils in specialized programmes in “technical” schools (grades 11 and 12) on application and software development in a business setting on the one hand, and system administration on the other; such pupils get up to 5 to 10 hours of class a week which can be more or less classi fied as informatics (though the focus, certainly in the latter programme is more on “information systems” than on “computer science”)
  • to some, but very few, pupils in “general” education: they get informatics in grades 11 and 12; schools have the freedom to teach the subject for up to 2 hours a week, but there are no official requirements or curricula, so whether something is offered, and if so, of what quality, depends on individual teachers and teacher teams
Informatics: Enrolment N/A
Digital Literacy: First Contact Kindergarten

Nowadays that would usually be kindergarten (age 3-5). If not, then in primary school at the very latest (age 6-12).

Digital Literacy: A Separate Subject? Separate subject

It varies. The of ficial policy aims at integration, but schools have the freedom to (also) organize specialized courses, and quite a few do. The major Flemish school network (about 70% “market share”) recommends an explicit course on “Informatica” for most learners at the age of 14-15 (grades 9 and 10), about half of which is directed towards digital literacy. Some pupils, in specialzed profiles (“Commerce”, “Secretariat”, ...) in “technical” and/or “vocational” training get considerably more.

Digital Literacy: Curriculum Consistency Country

The Flemish government has issued, in 2007, “ICT educational standards”, which should be achieved at the age of 14 (at the end of grade 8), and that is about it as far as of ficial policy goes. Schools and school networks build on that in many different ways, both integrated across topics and in specialized courses or course parts.

Digital Literacy: Enrolment N/A
Teacher Training: Special Qualifications Special qualifications

Informatics is an “educational topics” in Flemish teacher training at the bachelor level. Students preparing to be an informatics teacher at this level will typically have between 30 and 45 ECTS of IT and CS over their 3 years of study. The particulars of the programme are decided in each college offering the programme, and there is no quality control whatsoever on the IT and CS content of such programmes (which therefore varies wildly). At the university level, masters in informatics or computer science, but also masters of science, engineering and/or business with suf ficient knowledge of IT and CS can get a teaching certificate in informatics at the universities of Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent. These 3 universities have between 0 and +/- 5 students doing so annually. Such a programme includes general topics such as “didactics”, “diversity in education”, “education and society”, etc, as well as teaching practice. A major topic is also “didactics of the topic (i.e. informatics)” as well as possibly also “research and development in (informatics) education”. Leuven University finally offers teacher education in informatics as an optional module (6 ECTS for informatics didactics +4 ECTS teaching practice and the possibility to do an education development project in informatics) within the teacher education programmes of math, science and economy.

Teacher Training: Number of Subjects N/A
Teacher Training: Entry Requirement N/A
Teacher Training: In-Service Length N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Digital Literacy Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Stand-alone Informatics Curriculum N/A
Teacher Training: Typical Path Availability N/A
Teacher Training: Professionals as Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Professional Experience N/A
Teacher Training: Mathematics Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Physics Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Business Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Engineering Teachers N/A
Teacher Training: Teachers from other Disciplines N/A
Teacher Training: Security of Employment N/A
Educational Policies Country
Learning Objectives Country